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Parish Council


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Urgent Closure of: Tetbury Road was SE Past Pinkney Court Farm To B040 At Bottom of Bransdown
(Part), Sherston

Commencing 25th April 2024.

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C86 (Part), Grittleton – Hullavington – SherstonRoad Closure

Commencing 22nd April 2024.

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In light of the strength of feeling shown by the local community, Sherston Parish Council strongly object to the proposed solar development, named ‘Lime Down’, on the following points;

Detrimental Environmental Impact, including the utilisation of productive grade 3 arable land, plus the unsuitability of the roads and infrastructure to cope with industrial construction traffic.

Destruction of the gateway to The Cotswolds in an area of Outstanding of Natural Beauty (A.O.N.B).

Visual impact on the historic road of the Fosseway and on the surrounding villages that have existed since Saxon times.

Wiltshire as a county has far exceeded its allocated quota for solar panels.

The proposed distance of 28 miles to the substation in Melksham will result in high numbers of villages and constituents being affected.

Cotswold Voluntary Wardens Walk

Cotswold Voluntary Wardens
Thursday, 21st March,
Joyce Provides the Source
Start: 10:00 am, Difficulty: MODERATE Duration: 4.5 HOURS Distance: 8.5 MILES
Start point: SHERSTON PLEASE PARK CONSIDERATELY IN THE VILLAGE. MEET OUTSIDE POST OFFICE ON THE HIGH ST. SN16 0LH. Discover the source of the River Avon before enjoying a return through the picturesque National Arboretum with its majestic trees. May be muddy in places if wet. Please bring a packed lunch.

Meet your local Policing Team

1.30 – 3.30pm, Tuesday 26th March
Sherston Congregational Church

Wiltshire Policing Survey

Click here

The Local Plan consultation begins today

The consultation for the Wiltshire Local Plan begins, Wednesday 27 September, with in-person events being held across the county to enable you to find out more.
We are holding 16 drop-in events at libraries and leisure centres around Wiltshire and a live webinar-style event on Microsoft Teams. You can just turn up to the in-person events, but you’ll need to register beforehand for the online event.
If you cannot make your local in-person event, you are welcome to attend any of the others to discuss the Plan and your own area – all events are open to all.
The Local Plan consultation ends at 5pm on Wednesday 22 November. To find out more, see the timetable of events, and to sign up for the online event, visit our website.

Council Meetings

When and where does the Council meet?

Meetings are usually on the 2nd Thursday of every month (except August when there is no meeting) and are usually held in The North Building Hall at 7.30 pm.
The meetings are open to the public and there are opportunities to raise questions and issues both at the beginning of every meeting. During the meeting itself it is only with the invitation of the Chairman and the approval of the Council that a member of the public can participate in any debate. In practice this participation is generally welcomed so as to give Council the widest insight into issues before it.
Agendas for the meetings can be found on the Sherston Parish Council Noticeboard – adjacent to the old school entrance – and by clicking here

Meeting dates

Traditionally all meetings have been held in the North Building at 7.30pm unless otherwise stated.

May (two meetings)
Annual Parish Council Meeting
(election of chair) 9/05/2024
Annual Parish Meeting
23/05/2024 – Village Hall
June – 13/06/2024
July – 11/07/2024
August – 01/08/2024 at 7.30 (Extraordinary meeting called)
September – 12/09/2024
October – 10/10/2024
November – 14/11/2024
December – 12/12/2024

Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Where can I find the latest meeting minutes and agendas?

All meeting minutes and agenda documents are saved on the minutes archive and can be access back for some years for reference. Please click on the link below to access the documents.


Councillor Vacancy

2 Vacancies
Please submit all Co-Option requests to ku.gro.notsrehs@krelc


We have a vacancy for Clerk position please see advert in link below.

Clerk Vacancy Advert

Community Orchard

The orchard was planted in March 2021 – mainly apples, pears, cherry, apricot, blackcurrant, hazel, blackthorn for sloes & crab apples on a small strip of the Village Hall Field; underneath will be space for wild flowers so the mowing regime will change to accommodate that. There will also be space for bench seats so that people can enjoy the view (apparently the Churchyard has run out of space for commemorative seats so this could provide an alternative location).
In total around 60 new tress and about 40 shrubs, which will play their part in reducing CO2 in the atmosphere.
There is still allow ample space for the big, occasional events that take place there. 
An illustrative plan can be viewed via this link
A planting plan can be viewed via this link.
For additional information about Sustainable Sherston, please see their Facebook page: 


Sherston Community
Emergency Plan

last updated on: 7/03/2024 FINAL (MS/MT/NF) 
If you are in immediate danger call 999
Click to view/print the full emergency plan.
Summary of Contents
Local risk assessment
Risk Matrix for Sherston
Map of Sherston showing Hazards
Local skills and resources assessment
Key locations identified with emergency services for use as places of safety Situation report for helping coordinate emergencies
Emergency contact list – Internal Emergency contact list – External
Useful Links and Contact Details
Activation triggers
List of community organisations that may be helpful in identifying vulnerable people or communities in an emergency
First steps in an emergency
Community Emergency Group first meeting agenda
Actions agreed with emergency responders in the event of an evacuation
Alternative arrangements for staying in contact if usual communications have been disrupted


Please click here for Solar Information Document


Grant Awarding

Grant Awarding Policy and Grant Application Form

A grant is any payment by the Council to be used by an organisation for a specific purpose that will benefit the parish, or residents of the parish, and which is not directly controlled or administered by the Council.
The Council awards grants, at its discretion, to parish organisations which can demonstrate a clear need for financial support to benefit the parish by:
• Providing a service
• Enhancing the quality of life
• Improving recreation and / or sports
• Improving the environment
• Promoting the parish of Sherston in a positive way.
The PDF below includes:
Grant Application Process
Conditions of Funding
Click here to view/print the full Grant Award Policy & Form.