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Old School Project

Sherston Old School Community Interest Group
The Sherston Old School Community Interest Company (SOSCIC) was formed in 2010 for the purpose of renovating and converting the Old School (which is Grade II listed) so as to provide increased employment opportunities and additional services for the community and help preserve the character of the High Street. This was in response to the decision by the Parish Council, with the full support of the village, to try and purchase the Old School premises when they fell vacant. This is an entirely voluntary run organisation with over 276 members – all of whom are residents of the village. It is managed by six Directors – who, following the successful completion of the restoration and conversion work in 2013, have responsibility for the ongoing management of the project. With the exception of a loan from the Public Works Loan Board (PWLB), all of the funding for this project (which in total has cost in excess of £900,000) was obtained via a series of large and small donations and grants received from different sources (see below) – including a significant amount of money via personal donation from individual villagers and local fund-raising events. 

The primary donors to this project were:

The Eleanor Barton Trust
Wiltshire Council
Sherston Parish Council
Malmesbury Carnival Committee
N Wiles 
EAP Sells
The Sam Thompson Fund
The Prince’s Countryside Fund 
Sherston Boules and Carnival Committee
Christian Landolt
J Seymour Williams
The Old School was purchased by the Parish Council on 1st April 2011 at which time a long lease was granted to SOSCIC. Work started on the renovation project in July 2011 and the first phase, which allowed the village Post Office and Stores to relocate from their cramped premises elsewhere on the High Street into far more suitable and commodious accommodation, was completed in November 2011. The second phase, comprising the restoration of the rest of the building so that it was suitable for use by a variety of small business uses, was completed in May 2012.

The list of current occupiers comprises:

  East Wing: Midcounties Co-operative
           Post office and general store
  Unit 1A: Compass Graphic Design 
           Design for web and print.  Short run printing 
  Unit 1B: Pulse Business Software
           Business software solutions
Units 2 & 3: Vacant
  Unit 4: Vacant
It is estimated that over 30 persons are now employed within the property. This should help make the village far more sustainable.
This is an ongoing Project. SOSCIC will continue as an organisation to manage and maintain the premises over the long term. Rental income from the premises should be more than sufficient to cover the PWLB loan repayments. Any additional funds will be recycled into other village projects – thus providing a long term source of funds to the village and an opportunity to provide further community benefits.
This Project would not have been possible without the fantastic support of the village – whether through practical assistance (e.g. fund-raising; site clearance; gardening etc), administrative work (e.g.  project management; planning; accountancy; problem-solving etc.), or just by supporting the many and varied fund-raising schemes that have taken place over the last few years. This Project is believed to be one of the largest “community interest” projects of its kind in the UK. The success of the Project to date has been entirely due to the initiative, vision and perseverance of the community over an extended timescale. SOSCIC was awarded the Wiltshire Council and NHS Wiltshire 2012 “Community Leadership Award” in recognition of the work undertaken by its Members in successfully bringing this building back to life. The award winner had “to demonstrate community leadership that inspires local people to get involved in playing an active part in their community”.

What is SOSCIC?

Sherston Old School Community Interest Company (SOSCIC) is a Community Interest Company (CIC) registered with the Registrar of Companies (no 7138461). Each of its members has guaranteed to pay £1 each in the event of the company being wound up. Under its rules, the CIC is non profit making and cannot distribute its assets except to the community. The Parish Council, as owners of the premises, decided to adopt a CIC as its lessee because a CIC allows everyone in the community to become directly involved in the project. The CIC, as a separate body, can then recruit a team of people with appropriate skills, who may not be members of the Parish Council itself.       

How can I apply for membership of SOSCIC?
SOSCIC Membership Application Form    
Click here

Statutory and other publications:


Accounts to 31 March 2023 View PDF
Community Interest Company Report (CIC 34) to 31st March 202View PDF
Minutes of the Members General Meeting 28th November 2022 View PDF


Accounts to 31 March 2022 View PDF
Community Interest Company Report (CIC 34) to 31st March 2022 View PDF
Minutes of the Members General Meeting 15th November 2021 View PDF


Accounts to 31st March 2021 View PDF
Community Interest Company Report (CIC 34) to 31st March 2021 View PDF
Note that there was no MGM in 2020 due to COVID-19


Accounts to 31 March 2020 View PDF
Community Interest Company Report (CIC 34) to 31st March 2020 View PDF
Minutes of the Members General Meeting 4th November 2019 View PDF


Accounts to 31 March 2019 View PDF
Community Interest Company Report (CIC 34) to 31st March 2019 View PDF
Minutes of the Members General Meeting 12th November 2018 View PDF


Accounts to 31 March 2018 View PDF
Community Interest Company Report (CIC 34) to 31st March 2018 View PDF
Minutes of the Members General Meeting 13th November 2017 View PDF


Accounts to 31 March 2017 View PDF
Community Interest Company Report (CIC 34) to 31st March 2017 View PDF
Minutes of the Members General Meeting 7th November 2016 View PDF


Accounts to 31 March 2016 View PDF
Community Interest Company Report (CIC 34) to 31st March 2016 View PDF
Minutes of the Members General Meeting 7th November 2016 View PDF


Accounts to 31st March 2015 View PDF
Community Interest Company Report (CIC 34) to 31st March 2015 View PDF
Minutes of the Members General Meeting 3rd November 2015 View PDF


Accounts to 31 March 2014 View PDF
Community Interest Company Report (CIC 34) to 31st March 2014 View PDF
Minutes of the Members General Meeting 12th November 2014 View PDF


Accounts to 31 March 2013 View PDF
Community Interest Company Report (CIC 34) to 31st March 2013 View PDF   
Minutes of the Members General Meeting 14th November 2013 View PDF    


Accounts to 31st March 2012 View PDF
Community Interest Company Report (CIC34) to 31st March 2012 View PDF    
Minutes of the Members General Meeting 12th November 2012 View PDF    


Accounts to 31st March 2011 View PDF
Community Interest Company Report (CIC34) to 31st March 2011 View PDF    
Minutes of Member General Meeting 7th November 2011 View PDF    


Memorandum and Articles of Association View PDF