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Sherston Neighbourhood Plan

Click here to view the Neighbourhood Plan Privacy Notice

May 2022 update:

The Tolsey Surgery are updating their business plan and submitting it to the NHS; this needs to be approved before further discussions can take place between Wiltshire Council, Sherston Parish Council and Acorn developers on land transfers

Stage 6:

Wiltshire Council Decision

Following the referendum, Wiltshire Council has taken the decision pursuant to Section 38A(4) of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, to make the Sherston Neighbourhood Plan. The Sherston Neighbourhood Plan now forms part of the Wiltshire Council Development Plan and the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan will be given full weight when assessing planning applications that affect land in the Sherston Neighbourhood Area. 
Link to Final Decision Statement
Link to ‘made’ Neighbourhood plan

Stage 5 :

Referendum Result

The following proposition was put to a Referendum on Thursday 16th May 2019.
“Do you want Wiltshire Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Sherston to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”
The proposal was carried – there being 559 votes in favour and 45 votes against the proposition.
A copy of the full result of the Referendum can be seen by following this link: https://services.wiltshire.gov.uk/Elections/Document/View/SherstonNeighbourhoodPlanDeclarationOfResults.pdf?doc=3620

Referendum Stage

The Neighbourhood Plan has now successfully passed through the Examination Stage and is ready to be put to Referendum. An “Information Statement” has been prepared by Wiltshire Council which gives full details of the intended arrangements. This confirms that the Referendum will be held on Thursday 16th May 2019 and that everyone who lives in the  Parish and meets the eligibility criteria to vote in a local election will be entitled to vote.
A copy of the latest version of the Sherston Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed by following this link – Sherston-NHP-ref-ver-Mar-2019.pdf
A copy of the Information Statement produced by Wiltshire can be viewed by following this link – SNP-Referendum-information-statement-prepared-by-Wiltshire-Council.pdf

If the majority of those who vote in the Referendum are in favour of the Plan then the local planning authority (Wiltshire Council) must adopt the plan for use in determining future planning applications in the Parish within 8 weeks of the date of the Referendum.

Stage 4 :

Decision Statement (Proceeding to referendum)

Wiltshire Council Decision Statement proceeding to referendum 11th March 2019.pdf

Examiners Report

The Examiner has now issued his report on the Neighbourhood Plan. In summary he has concluded that:
1 Subject to the recommendations within this Report, made in respect of enabling the Sherston Neighbourhood Plan to meet the basic conditions, I confirm that:
•  Having regard to national policies and advice contained in guidance issued by the Secretary of State it is appropriate to make the neighbourhood plan;
•  The making of the neighbourhood plan contributes to the achievement of sustainable development;
•  The making of the neighbourhood plan is in general conformity with the strategic policies contained in the development plan for the area of the authority (or any part of that area);
 • The making of the neighbourhood plan does not breach, and is otherwise compatible with, European Union (EU) obligations; and
• The making of the neighbourhood plan is not likely to have a significant effect on a European site or a European offshore marine site, either alone or in combination with other plans or projects.
2  Taking the above into account, I find that the Sherston Neighbourhood Plan meets the basic conditions and I recommend to Wiltshire Council that, subject to modifications, it should proceed to Referendum.
Sherston_Neighbourhood_Plan_2006-2026_Examiner’s Report

Examination Stage

Wiltshire Council has recently appointed an experienced Examiner to carry out an independent examination of the neighbourhood plan. A copy of the plan and all the supporting information, together with a copy of the comments received during the publicity period, have been sent to the independent examiner. The independent examination is to be conducted by written representations.
The independent examiner will only consider whether the proposed neighbourhood plan meets the basic conditions and other requirements set out by law. He is not permitted to explore other considerations. The examiner will therefore be considering whether the plan:
• has appropriate regard to national policy
• contributes to the achievement of sustainable development
• is in general conformity with the strategic policies in the development plan for the local area
• is compatible with EU obligations
• meets human rights requirements.
Following the examination, a report will be issued to both Wiltshire Council and Sherston Parish Council. If the plan meets the basic conditions, the examiner will recommend that the plan proceed to the referendum stage. He may suggest modifications that are needed to be made to the plan, to ensure that it meets the basic conditions, before it can proceed to the referendum. It is the responsibility of the local authority to make such modifications. The examiner may alternatively conclude that the plan does not meet the basic conditions and that modification to make it meet the basic conditions is not possible. In that situation the examiner would recommend that the plan does not proceed to a referendum.

Stage 3 : Submission of the final draft plan to the local planning authority

Sherston Neighbourhood Development Plan Consultation Letter
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to inform you that Sherston Parish Council have submitted the Sherston Neighbourhood Development Plan to Wiltshire Council. Wiltshire Council will be coordinating a public consultation on this document between Monday 1st October and Monday 12th November 2018.
The Sherston Neighbourhood Development Plan submission can be viewed and commented on from the Wiltshire Council consultation portal.
Alternatively, paper copies of the Sherston Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents are available at the following locations:
Sherston Post Office and Stores
The Old School
High Street
SN16 0LH
The Tolsey Surgery
High Street
SN16 0LQ
The Angel Hotel
Angel House
High Street
SN16 0LH
Church of the Holy Cross
Church Street
SN16 0LR
Wiltshire Council
Monkton Park
Monkton Hill
SN15 1ER
Comment forms can also be collected from these locations, and returned by email to ku.vog.erihstliw@gninnalpdoohruobhgien
or by post to the address:
Spatial Planning
Economic Development and Planning
County Hall
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN
Please ensure that any comments on the Neighbourhood Plan are received by Wiltshire Council no later than 5pm on Monday 12th November 2018.
Please be aware that all representations will be publicly available and may also appear on the Wiltshire Council website.
Following this consultation the comments received will be passed to an independent examiner, to be appointed by the council, who will consider the representations and recommend whether the Neighbourhood Plan should be put to a community referendum.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact
Spatial Planning on Tel: 01225 713223
or by email to ku.vog.erihstliw@gninnalpdoohruobhgien

Stage 2 : Modification Stage

During which all of the comments received by the Steering Group by the end of the consultation period were fully considered and a decision made whether or not to amend the neighbourhood plan.
This stage was completed in August 2018. Full details to be found in the report attached to the Minutes of the Steering Group meeting held on 13th August 2018.

Stage 1 : Consultation Stage

The consultation period on the first draft plan ended on Monday 9th April 2018.
Pre submission consultation of the draft plan.
Your opportunity to comment
Consultation period closes at noon on Monday 9th April 2018
The policies contained within the draft plan reflect the views of the community obtained over the last few years at a succession of workshops and other public events as well as through a number of questionnaire surveys. The policies set out in the draft plan are not final. The Steering Group is keen to hear the views of local residents, businesses and other interested parties on the draft plan before the plan is finalised.
The consultation period will run from 22nd February 2018 until 9th April 2018. The Neighbourhood Plan Regulations require the consultation period to run for a minimum of six weeks and all comments received during this time period have to be taken into account when finalising the plan.

Minutes of the Sherston Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Minutes : 13th August 2018 at 7.30pm
Previous meetings also available in PDF format:

Result of Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire Survey Jan 2017 Click here

Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report

Representatives from Sherston Parish Council, together with representatives from other local community and local interest groups joined together to form The Sherston Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. This steering group is developing the Sherston Area Neighbourhood Plan. The Sherston Area Neighbourhood Plan is being subject to Strategic Environmental Assessment to meet the requirements of EU Directive 2001/42/EC and transposing Regulations. The Scoping Report was made available to the public and comments welcome. Thank you for the valuable local comments regarding the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report. This consultation closed on the 6th April 2012

Assessment of Potential Development Sites Update 

Housing Numbers Board
– What is the housingtarget for Sherston?
– How many homes should be built in Sherston?
View PDF
SNP Protected Sites
Sites, facilities and premises to be protected from development.
View PDF

Assessment of Potential Development Sites 

Updated 21st September 2014
Site Options Poster – incorporating summary analysis
View PDF
SWOT analysis with comments- all option sites
View PDF

Potential Development Sites – All Areas Considered 

Updated 4th September 2014 
SNP Potential Development Sites – all sites considered Sept 2014
View PDF

Steering Group decision – Policies to be prepared

at meeting held on 17th June 2014
View PDF

Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting (subject to approval) on 29th May 2014 – NHP main topic

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Sherston Neighbourhood Plan Latest Exhibition/Workshop Notes of Presentations

Presentations of Saturday 20th September 2014
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Sherston Neighbourhood Planning Workshop

March 2013 PDF    July 2012 PDF

Application for Designation of the Sherston Neighbourhood Area

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Sherston Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Terms of Reference

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Archive : Previous Consultations

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